I recently lost almost 40 pounds, went from a size 12 to a 6, reversed my diabetes, went off blood pressure medicine, and no longer need a CPAP machine for sleep apnea. And I have more energy than ever.
My husband and I lost weight with PHD Weight Loss through their national at-home program. I was a HUGE cynic, but nothing else I had ever done worked, so we gave it a try. The founder, Dr. Ashley Lucas, is a former ballerina who was constantly getting injured because she was malnourished from extreme weight loss, trying to keep a dancer's body. When she finally had to give up dancing, she went back to school and earned her PhD in sports nutrition and also became a registered dietitian. Research showed her that many of the myths we believe about food and weight loss were just not true.
She has developed a customized and healthy weight loss program that has helped thousands of her clients all over the country, including my husband and me. I am so very grateful for her and her staff.
Recently she interviewed me on her podcast. LISTEN HERE.
By the way, I don't get any promotional or monetary reimbursement for this. I am just so happy with new, healthy me, that I want to share with anyone who's interested. You don't have to be overweight, tired, and unhealthy any longer. Go for it; you're worth it!