For many more years than I can count, I've been working on a story I want to tell, and it's almost ready to be published.
It's the story of a lost, hungry puppy who longs for a home where he would be loved. Along comes Jay, a kind farmer who is known for rescuing lost and injured animals, and Shep's story begins. With the help of Sam, a big Clydesdale, Jay takes the bedraggled puppy home and starts transforming Shep into a mighty sheep dog to help him protect and guide the sheep.
But it's not an easy task, and the lively sheepdog gets into plenty of misadventures along the way. He meets other rescued animals on the farm, has a run-in with the farm cat, and encounters mean dogs who try to lure him into disobedience.
Will Shep ever learn to obey? How many times will Jay forgive him before totally giving up? What motivation can help Shep concentrate and follow the commands when tested against gigantic odds? Has he found the forever home he longs for?
You'll find out soon when my book Shep, the Life of a Farm Dog is published.
Right now my long-time friend and artist Tom Allen is working on illustrations, which are still very much in the beginning stages. But I'd like to share two of them with you, because I love them so much, and they epitomize the feel of the book and its characters. Remember, these are just sketches. You'll get to see the real thing in the book.
If you're interested in being notified when the book comes out, click below, and I'll put you on the notification list.
If you'd like to see some of Tom's work, visit him at the website below.